Useful Links

If any one of members has any concerns please talk to your instructor in the first instance, or you can contact Sensei Jon directly by filling in the form below. However if you feel you can’t talk to the team directly for you convenience we have useful links below. You can also contact your local Welfare officer for your county, you can find their contact details within the Adults and Childs safeguarding policies.

The Ju Dachi Martial Arts Association is a proud member of the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts a lottery funded project. To Achieve the Safeguarding Code, the Ju Dachi Martial Arts Association has demonstrated that we have implemented all the relevant documentation  and completed courses related to Safeguarding Children and Adults. For more information click the Safeguarding Logo below. The Judachi Martial Arts Association is also affiliated to Anti Bullying Alliance who provide resources to organisations such as ourselves.

Safeguarding CODE



If you’re worried about a child, even if you’re unsure, contact our professional counsellors for help, advice and support. Or you are under 18 and need advice then please call the NSPCC or click on the image to be redirected to the NSPCC website.

Call us or email